Thursday, November 29, 2012

Mistakes Made By Investors Of Real Estate In Oklahoma City

Long-term wealth can be gained by investing in Real Estate. Everyday new investors take the jump into the real estate world and land face down in a short period of time. Real Estate Investing is all about networking, if you do not understand that then you will not make it out of the shoot. Oklahoma City Real Estate Investor Association sees this happen everyday and those members learn through networking how to avoid that pitfall.


The most experienced investor is continually learning and growing because in this business you never have a point where everything is known, there is constant change and challenge. Seminars are a place to learn beneficial information and walk away with reading material. If the information heard is not used or the books are not read then you will never get ahead. Seminars are great for networking and creating a buyer’s list, but there is nothing better for the newcomer than to join the local OKC REIA. Surround yourself by those in the association who are already successful at what you are seeking to do and learn from them. Ask questions of the members about their opinion on speakers before you pay for a course.

Real estate investing requires the devotion of time and effort. Good deals are not going to fall into your lap by just attending association meetings and placing classified adds. Persistence is key to marketing, building relationships with individuals in your field, and be aggressive when seeking a deal. All of this action will equal success over a period of time, but to keep that success you have to continue to learn and change in a flash.

Superb real estate deals exist where you control the property with little money and turn it over to another investor for a profit. I said they exist, but they will not come on a silver platter daily. To get those superb deals you will acquire a big expense for marketing. To be a full time real estate investor, you have to create a company, print business cards, make the company known on the web, and know how to route traffic to your website, along with putting out flyers and signs advertising your business.

As a norm new investors will sign up for various lists and e-mails on properties across the country, it is best to focus on the local market before venturing to sight unseen properties. If working with a trusted partner that you met in an Oklahoma City Real Estate Investor Association meeting, then put into action what you have learned. This is a perfect example of networking; you met in a meeting and had the same goal in mind enabling you to work together for a positive outcome.

Tags: Oklahoma City Real Estate Investor Association, OKC REIA

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Best Oklahoma City Residential Inspector

So you have finally found the home of your dreams, before you invest in that home be sure and contact your Oklahoma City Residential Inspector. If it is a commercial investment let the Oklahoma City Commercial Inspector walk through the property with you. The inspector will require approximately 2-3 hours of your time, and help you discover any unknown problems that need to be disclosed before your biggest life purchase.

ok city home inspections
Oklahoma City Residential Inspectors

You want to have the home inspection done before closing on your new home so you can be aware of any repairs that may need to be done.  If the inspection is done and there are necessary repairs then you will be able to negotiate with the seller. If you buy the home, without an inspection, then you will be responsible for the repairs. When you walk around looking at your dream home, you may not be looking at it with an open mind and you will, without a doubt miss, problems that will show up later, then you will be responsible for the repairs. The home inspector will look at the pipes, rings on the toilets, he will check for gas leaks, mold, and any foundation problems. He will walk the exterior and interior of the home and then give you a report of any problems or potential future problems.  The roof may look fine from the ground, but once the attic is checked you discover rotten boards that have developed because of a leak. This is just one example of many that might make up your new home.

Remember this in a big investment in your future, do not cut corners when it comes to hiring an Oklahoma City Residential Inspector, they are going to be there to lead you in the right direction for your home purchase buy making you aware of problems or potential future problems. The Oklahoma City Residential Inspector should be your first call with your new home purchase. Take the inspection seriously and walk with the inspector and let them show you first hand any questionable problems/concerns. This step in the home buying scene should be just as important as the actual decision to purchase the new home.

Take the time to call your Oklahoma City Residential Inspector today and schedule an appointment. Commercial property is just as important so call your Oklahoma City Commercial Inspector to schedule the inspection of the new building you are purchasing.

3625 N McKinley Ave

ph: 405-412-7861
fax: 405-946-3293
alt: LICENSE #255

Saturday, June 2, 2012


oklahoma city home inspectors

This home improvement articles is gladly sponsored by your friendly Oklahoma City home inspections compnay, owned and operated by Dr. Jack Werner.

Fall and winter are great times with families getting together, bringing joy and happiness.  Sometimes the fun is interrupted by annoying plumbing problems.  Here are a few great tips to keep the plumber out of your holiday season.

Thanksgiving is a plumber’s busiest time—thanks to garbage disposals and houses full of guests. Clogged pipes and sewers are major headaches during the holidays.  Most can be prevented.  

Kitchen sinks with garbage disposals are hot points around Thanksgiving.  Everyone wants to help, with the result that many plates and dishes are emptied into the garbage disposal.  Garbage disposals are designed to handle small amounts of leftovers, not plate after plate being shoveled into them, and never fibrous materials such as corn husks and banana peelings.  Avoid using the disposal during preparation and after large meals. Should the disposal be used, run plenty of water while the disposal is running and up to 20 seconds after it is turned off.  The water pushes the debris down the small kitchen line into larger pipes.

Sewer main stoppages are horrible.  If you have an older home and have to snake roots from your system every year or so, you know what this is like.  Are you expecting a crowd for the holidays?  Putting 15 people in a house can overwhelm the plumbing. Some of your guests, especially children, may love to use excessive amounts of toilet paper.   Minor defects, such as partial root blockage, are minor only until the system is put under unusual use or abuse.  Why wait until a major problem arises during the holidays?  Early preventive maintenance is much more convenient than dealing with a sewer stoppage when everybody is at your house.   

A few simple actions outside the house also go a long way to ensure your holidays are hassle-free.  Don’t forget to remove the water hose from the hydrant.  Newer frost-proof hydrants don’t always work as they should.  The best way to keep the hydrant from freezing is to take the water hose off.  Second, if the hydrant is dripping, get it fixed!  The constant flow of water may cause the hydrant to freeze and break.  You will not know it’s broken until you’re ready to use it, generally next spring.  Installing a shutoff at the hydrant mouth does not provide much protection.  Inexpensive hydrant covers are easy to install and are worth the investment.  Closing vent openings in crawl spaces (including the access door) helps maintain heat in the house and keeps cold air from reaching water pipes and drains.  The vent openings should not be permanently sealed, but during the cold months a good seal yields good results.  Skirting on mobile homes should be checked for cracks and holes. 

With a little effort and planning, you can get through the holidays without the inconvenience of a stoppage or broken pipe.  Schedule your pipe and drain maintenance now so you won’t have to set an extra place for the plumber at the Thanksgiving table. 

Todd Feehan has sixteen years experience in plumbing and owns Dad’s Plumbing.  He can be reached at 405/602-2615.

3625 N McKinley Ave

ph: 405-412-7861
fax: 405-946-3293
alt: LICENSE #255

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Your IPhone Repair Houston Geeks Can Help With Many Issues

iphone repair houston
When you last had your iPhone repair service company replace the glass on your device, or had the back case replaced, did you ever think to ask them about any other problems you might be having at the moment? Instead of paying AT&T or Apple Genius employees from one to two hundred dollars to clear up any issues, or education concerning your iPhone, ask your iPhone repair Houston service technician instead. They may still charge you a fee for the time involved, but chances are in your favor that resolving an issue, or training you will come at a deeply discounted price.

Large corporations that sell these devices have huge overheads, and the only way they can justify you monopolizing the time of a ten-dollar per hour employee, is to charge you between seventy-five to one hundred and fifty bucks for their time. Having a geek or technician that lives to bit-twiddle these handy little devices will often know more than an entire store full of Apple employees about the iPhone. The reason is that they are a student of the product they work on each day, and are not just simply going to work to keep their spot warm, but have a love or a passion for these products.

Yes, for the most part all products that start with the lower case i from Apple are pretty self explanatory, but there are those who are not as tech savvy, and have trouble navigating menus, creating and sending email, or just texting on their sleek communication device. This would also be a great opportunity to buy a gift card form some mini training sessions for that Aunt who has trouble negotiating with the photo-printing kiosk at the corner drug store, or the grand parent who does not know their iPhone from a xylophone.

Technology is coming at consumers at an overwhelming pace today, even new Harley Davidson motorcycle owners that are not techno-hounds are finding even their onboard computer devices a little much for their level of knowledge. The point here is, that the very people who do iPhone repair in or near your Houston neighborhood, will most likely be glad to train you or a family member for a modest price.

Fix Ur Gadget
2620 South Shepherd Drive, Houston, TX 77098
(713) 523-5100 ‎

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

How To Hire SEO Houston Marketing Firms

There are dozens if not hundreds of local SEO Houston marketing firms available to help in raising your online visibility today. Many times the problem lies in the results that you receive for the money that is invested. A Houston Internet marketing company should not only take your money, but also provide concrete results for the hard-earned money that you invest with them today, and for the future.

SEO Houston
Many "Affordable SEO" companies in Houston work on a contractual basis, and that in theory is great, as this appears to make it more affordable for clients, and a modicum of performance is expected. The truth is that many local Houston businesses keep shelling out one, two, and even up to five hundred dollars per month to fulfill a contract, but receive nothing in return.

After interviewing these clients who have been spending their marketing dollars monthly on services that really do not exist, the stark truth about their situation hits them, and instead of using a Houston SEO company that can truly help them get the sales calls they need coming in daily, they clam up, and quit trying all together. This is an extreme emotional situation, and one that is warranted because they feel victimized.

Adplanet Creative knows all to well how hard it is to run a business that is profitable, and needs "Good Sales Leads" coming in via the telephone, and from the Internet. Our Internet marketing department was founded by necessity to get the word out about our graphic, and web design offerings to the public in the Bayou City area. After years of continuing education, combined with our own in house research and development, we have come up with a strategy that not only works for our business, but yours as well.

Specialized Areas of Internet Marketing - SEO Houston Services:

Organic SEO - Today it is just as important to have a contextual foundation of natural backlinks that provide your company's website with the authority it needs for certain industry specific keyword phrases. Adplanet provides this service in a professional manner that adheres to all TOS (terms of service) guidelines by the major search engines. Backlinks still play an immensely important role not only in standard search results, but enhances other areas such as Local search, and video search ranking as well.

Local Search (SEO) - this area promotes your business through local search that is provided by Google, Yahoo, and Bing. This media platform is the direct replacement for printed yellow pages advertisements that small local businesses would spend tens of thousands on each and every year. If you do not have a one hundred percent visibility, and ranking factor in this area of your online market, then start this very second, or go buy some moving boxes, and rent a storage facility for your office equipment. If you are not actively seeking this avenue of marketing, you are going to have to rely solely on your in-house sales staff, if you have one.

Social Media Marketing Platforms - This is a very important part of the overall SEO, and online sales arena. Not so much for the networking, but again, the major search engine are lending some weight to these online arenas, and being a solid part of their membership will offer some authority to your local business listings, and website too. Do not discount the power of Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest, but at the same time do not depend completely on them as a source of leads. We offer a solution that uses this part of the industry as a positive in the overall marketing picture for your company's promotion.

Video Ranking or Video SEO - Did you know that most people think that the most popular search engines from most important to least are Google, Yahoo, and then Bing. The truth is that the order of popularity for searching the Internet is Google, Youtube, Facebook Twitter, Yahoo, and then Do your own research on this if you do not believe us, and you will garner the same results in short order.

Our ability to have your firm become found in a top ranking position on Youtube, Google Video, and even have your promotional videos ranking in the regular search results of Google on page one is for lack of a better term - second to none. The power to not only have your website showing up for page one results to get in front of potential clients, but to have your videos ranking along side your domain is the quickest, and most effective way in dominating your competition, and leaving them to wonder what happened to their daily sales lead base from their own online efforts.

In a nutshell, Adplanet Creative's SEO Houston services offers a complete package that will allow you to dominate local, nationwide, and globally at an affordable price compared to what you normally spent with dozens of printed business directories, and yellow page ads of the past.

One local Mirror and Glass Houston Company previously spent over two hundred thousand dollars per year with every local Houston yellow page directory companies in previous years. This was to insure they would be in every book in not only Houston, but within a fifty-mile radius around the Metro Area as well. For less than twenty thousand per year, they have become four times more visible, and effective with their online marketing, with the help of Adplanet Creative's SEO department. The company can now use those unused marketing funds to expand their company and hire additional service, and support staff to grow into more than one location in the Harris, Montgomery, and Fort Bend Counties.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

SEO Houston Articles Done Right And Now

SEO Houston
SEO Houston

Let’s face it SEO Houston articles are not fun to write, and you would rather go fishing, or even go shopping with your spouse than to sit down and pound out twenty to thirty SEO articles to link to your business website. It ranks right up there with public speaking for most people, and that spells “Fear” for the general population. If you just sit at your keyboard, and cannot seem to let the words flow, then you are the perfect client for a SEO article writing service such as ours.

There is a specific way to write SEO articles, and many an amateur fails to follow the simple rules to get the best results from the few articles they write. If you have hired a writer from India, or the Philippines to write your content for article marketing then your chances of success are even less unfortunately. They usually will find articles that you have purchased previously or written yourself, and scrape the content from them for their own creative purposes. It is not their fault that they can survive on about one hundred dollars per week, and will do anything to get that amount. You get what you pay for in life, and if someone advertises 300 word articles for $1.50 each then you will get crap on a cracker.

The cost of an American based SEO article writer will run you on average between twelve, and thirty dollars per SEO article. The established writers with a good client base can cost over fifty dollars per three hundred word article with proper copy-writing, and SEO optimization is used for gaining search engine ranking. People in business want the lowest cost, and the best performance, and using third world writers without cutting edge SEO practices will net them little if nothing in gaining in the search engine placement rankings.

Do not waste your time with offerings that are offered at one hundred dollars per month on a contractual basis. This is just a means of milking you financially over a period of time. Only use the business model of paying per project, and this will allow you to stop, if the performance or results are not happening per transaction. It is unfortunate that there are services out there that want to milk clients for months without results, but that is the reality in every industry.

Let  give you the results that you need without the guesswork, and fear of not getting the results that you so desperately need to succeed. Call 832-224-8077 for SEO Houston articles needs today.